Bucharest aerial view (orthophoto plan)

Intelligent parking system design

Beneficiary: 1st District Street Administration

Year of implementation: 2018

In an attempt to modernize the manner in which parking spaces are rented to residents throughout the district, the Street Administration hired RFID Solutions as a consultant to perform a feasibility study and design a new informatic system for online applications. This was way before the pandemic, when the amount of face-to-face services had to be restricted.

This new system included the inventory of all available parking spaces throughout the district, inspection services to identify potential locations where parking facilities could be built and a web application which would allow the residents to load applications and rent parking spaces near their residence.

The feasibility study performed by RFiD Solutions included:

  • The analysis of the existing legislation regarding residential parking spaces, and issuing some recommendations for the future;
  • The analysis of the current system and identification of ways to improve it;
  • Designing a new system, which included cartography services, inventory and identification services and a new web-application with a GIS platform for automatic approval of applications;
  • Tender Dossier for the tendering of the new system.

The feasibility study also provided recommended investments for the next five years.